The tale of a nefarious loner who, on Christmas Eve of all nights, prowls the streets looking for his next victim. Yet, on this special night, many strange events come into play which will alter the lives of everyone involved.
This tale was written twice. The original manuscript was, for a time, lost but never quite forgotten. More than one year after the first draft had been penned, Anton Von Stefan woke up and had the entire tale in the forefront of his mind once more. Taking his pen in hand on that cold December morning, he wrote the whole story again. More than six months later, the original document came to light. Incredibly, the second, hand-written draft was almost word for word to the first.
"It is a ghostly tale that just had to be brought to the public," the author said with a smile while attending a recent play in Vienna, Austria.
We sincerely hope that it will become a book you will enjoy year after year as Christmas approaches. The author intended it to be a book which brings out the best in each of us and can be read to children from the age of six to one-hundred-six!
You can see the author's other book,
The Curse of The Red Crystal,
on this website or you can go to the publisher's website:
Granville Island Publishing.
Ask for his books at your book store.